《APP Privacy Policy》

Update date: July 05, 2024
Effective date: July 05, 2024

Intelligent Technician APP, Intelligent Hub APP, and Intelligent Motorist App are vehicle inspection and repair tools provided by Zhongjia Yuanhang (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we"). We highly value your personal privacy and information protection, and will use powerful encryption technology to protect your privacy, while also implementing strict measures to manage your personal information. Through this "Privacy Policy" ("this Privacy Policy"), we hope to explain to you how we will collect, use, share, transfer, publicly disclose, store, and protect your relevant personal information, and explain the rights you enjoy. Please read it carefully, especially the terms marked in bold, which you should pay special attention to. Before using our APP or our services, you need to agree to the provisions in this policy regarding how we collect, use, store, and share your relevant information. If you do not agree with any content in this Privacy Policy, please stop using or accessing our products and services immediately.

This policy will help you understand the following:
I. Scope of application of this policy
II. How we provide your user information to external parties
III. How we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your user information
IV. User business data and public information
V. How we use cookies and similar technologies
VI. How we protect and preserve your user information
VII. Special provisions for minor users' information
VIII. Updates to this policy
IX. How to contact us

I. Scope of application of this policy

1.1. This policy applies to all services within our Intelligent Hub APP, Intelligent Technician APP, and Intelligent Motorist App, including content browsing, App login services, and technical services within the App that we provide to you. If we and our affiliates provide products or services with separate privacy policies or similar legal documents, those separate documents shall take precedence.

1.2. This policy does not apply to services provided to you by other third parties. The processing and protection of your information should be subject to the privacy policies or similar documents of such third parties. We do not assume any legal responsibility for any improper use or disclosure of information provided by you to any third party.

II. How we collect and use your user information

2.1 Information you provide
During your use of our APP services, we may obtain your information through the following two methods:
(1) Information that can be used to identify your personal identity, such as phone number, gender, name, etc., which you provide to us when registering, logging in, or completing personal information to use our services.
(2) Shared information that you provide to other parties through our services, as well as information that you upload, submit, store, send, or receive when using our services.
(3) To identify your device and prevent malicious programs and anti-cheating, improve service security, and ensure operational quality, we will collect your device information (including IMEI, device serial number, OAID, MEID, Android ID, IMSI, GUID, MAC address, SIM card serial number), installed APP information or information about running processes

2.2 Information we obtain when you use the services
We collect information about the services you have used and how you use them, including:

(I) Device information: To identify your device and prevent malicious programs and anti-cheating, improve service security, and ensure operational quality, we will collect your device information (including IMEI, device serial number, OAID, MEID, Android ID, IMSI, GUID, MAC address, SIM card serial number), installed APP information or information about running processes. To save cache data, we will request your storage permission to obtain external storage information (SD card data). When playing videos and other content, in order to adapt to your device, we will call the device's gravity, acceleration, and other sensor information to identify your device's landscape or portrait state. To share information, we need to access your local clipboard to read links and text in it to implement functions and services such as jumping and sharing.

(II) Log information: When you use the services provided by our client, we will automatically collect detailed information about your use of our services and save it as network logs. For example, your search query content, IP address, browser type, telecom operator, language used, access date and time, and web page records you visited, etc.

(III) IP address: Including information about the Apps you have used, information about communications you make through our services, and information contained in the content you share through our services (metadata), such as the date, time, and location of shared photos taken or uploaded.

(IV) Pictures on the device: To provide you with a better user experience, with your authorization, we will extract pictures from your device for use in sharing and other functions. You can also refuse/cancel this permission at any time through the relevant function settings. Refusing to provide this permission will only prevent you from using the above functions, but it will not affect the normal use of other functions and services of the Intelligent Technician App; however, after you cancel this authorization, we will no longer collect this information and will not be able to provide you with the corresponding services mentioned above.

(V) Scanning QR codes, taking photos: When you use the functions of scanning QR codes and taking photos, we will access the camera-related permissions of your device. You can also refuse/cancel this permission at any time through the relevant function settings. Refusing to provide this permission will only prevent you from using the above functions, but it will not affect the normal use of other functions and services of the Intelligent Technician App; however, after you cancel this authorization, we will no longer collect this information and will not be able to provide you with the corresponding services mentioned above.

(VI) Location information: You can authorize enabling the device location function and use our location-based related services. You can also stop our collection of your geographic location information at any time by turning off the location function. You can also refuse/cancel this permission at any time through the relevant function settings. Refusing to provide this permission will only prevent you from using the above functions, but it will not affect the normal use of other functions and services of the Mobi Fitness App; however, after you cancel this authorization, we will no longer collect this information and will not be able to provide you with the corresponding services mentioned above.

(VII) Non-personal information: We may also collect other information that cannot identify specific individuals and is not considered personal information under applicable local laws, such as statistical data generated when you use specific services, such as daily active events, page visit events, page visit duration events, session events; network monitoring data, such as request duration, request and error request numbers, etc.; and application crash events. The purpose of collecting such information is to improve the services we provide to you. The types and amounts of information collected depend on how you use our products or services.

In addition, we collect information related to your activities in our mobile applications, such as device model and system version number. We aggregate such information to help us provide more useful information to users and understand which parts of our products or services are of most interest to users. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, aggregated data is considered non-personal information. If we combine non-personal information with personal information, such information will be treated as personal information during the period of combined use.

After choosing to enable or refuse to enable any of the above permissions, you can perform enabling or closing operations at any time. Specifically, in your terminal's "Settings" -- "Applications", select the application with the corresponding name, find the corresponding permission and choose to close or enable it. The setting methods may vary for different terminals.

III. How We Provide Your User Information to Third Parties

3.1. Sharing
We do not share your user information with other organizations and individuals, except in the following circumstances:
(1) Sharing with your explicit consent: We will share your user information with other parties after obtaining your explicit consent;
(2) Sharing necessary to fulfill our APP's legal obligations: We may share your user information externally in accordance with legal regulations, litigation, arbitration needs, or as required by administrative and judicial authorities in accordance with the law;

3.2. Entrusted Processing
We may entrust authorized partners to process your personal information so that they can provide certain services or perform functions on our behalf. We will only entrust them to process your information for legitimate, proper, necessary, specific, and explicit purposes stated in this policy. Authorized partners will only have access to the information necessary to perform their duties, and we will require them through agreements not to use this information for any purpose beyond the scope of entrustment. If authorized partners use your information for purposes we have not entrusted, they will separately obtain your consent.

3.3. Use of SDKs
To ensure the stable operation and functionality of our client, and to enable you to use and enjoy more services and features, our application may embed SDKs or other similar applications from authorized partners. We will conduct strict security checks on the application programming interfaces (APIs) and software development kits (SDKs) of authorized partners that obtain relevant information, and agree on strict data protection measures with authorized partners, requiring them to process personal information in accordance with this policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

The following SDKs are used:
1. Tencent Instant Messaging (IM)
Third-party SDK name: Tencent Instant Messaging (IM)
Scenario description: Message notifications, cloud live streaming
Shared information fields: User ID identifier, vehicle construction video
Third-party organization name: https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/58094

2. vin114 SDK
Third-party SDK name: vin114 SDK
Scenario description: VIN recognition
Shared information fields: VIN image
Third-party organization name: http://cloud.vin114.net/terminal/unity/privacyPolicy

3. bugly

Third-party SDK name: bugly
Scenario description: Purpose of collecting personal information: Collecting application crash analysis information to recover and resolve exceptions
Shared information fields: Common device information
Third-party organization name: https://static.bugly.qq.com/bugly-sdk-privacy-statement.pdf

For companies, organizations, and individuals with whom we share user information, we will sign strict confidentiality agreements and information protection agreements, requiring them to process user information according to our instructions, this policy, and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

4. Umeng Mobile Statistics SDK

Third-party SDK Name: Umeng Mobile Statistics SDK
Scenario Description: Collecting personal information for the purpose of app data analysis
Shared Information Fields: Device Information (Android ID/IDFA/OAID/OpenUDID/GUID; Optional - IMEI/IMSI/ICCID), Network Information, Location Information (Optional), Application List (Optional)
Third-party Organization Name: Umeng Tongxin (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. https://www.umeng.com/page/policy

For the companies, organizations, and individuals with whom we share user information, we will sign strict confidentiality agreements and information protection agreements, requiring them to handle user information in accordance with our instructions, this policy, and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

3.4. Transfer
If we need to transfer personal information due to merger, division, dissolution, or declaration of bankruptcy, we will inform you of the name or identity and contact information of the recipient. The recipient will continue to fulfill this policy and other legal obligations. If the recipient changes the original processing purposes or methods, they will obtain your consent again.

3.5 Exceptions to Obtaining Prior Authorization Consent When Providing User Information to Third Parties

In the following circumstances, providing user information to third parties does not require your prior authorization consent:
(1) Related to national security and national defense security;
(2) Related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
(3) Related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;
(4) For the purpose of protecting your or other individuals' life, property, and other significant legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain the person's consent;
(5) Personal information you have voluntarily made public to the public;
(6) Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels.

IV. User Business Data and Public Information
Unlike your user information, we will handle user business data and public information as follows:

4.1. User Business Data

(1) The data you generate, process, store, upload, download, distribute, and otherwise handle through the services provided by our APP are your user business data, and you have full control over your user business data. As a cloud service provider, we will only process your business data strictly according to your instructions and will not make any unauthorized use or disclosure of your business data, except as agreed with you or in compliance with explicit legal and regulatory requirements.

(2) You should be responsible for the source and content of your user business data. We remind you to carefully judge the legality of the data source and content. You shall bear all consequences and responsibilities caused by the content of your user business data violating laws, regulations, departmental rules, or national policies.

4.2. Public Information
Public information refers to any information you publicly share, which anyone can view or access during and without using our APP services. For example, vehicle inspection reports you share.

V. How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies

5.1. To ensure normal operation and provide you with a more convenient access experience, we will store small data files called Cookies on your mobile device. Cookies usually contain identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. Our APP can only read Cookies provided by the APP.

5.2. You can manage Cookies according to your preferences. You can also clear all Cookies saved on your computer. Most web browsers have a function to block Cookies. However, if you do so, you will need to change your user settings each time you visit our website. For details on how to change browser settings, please visit the relevant settings page of the browser you use.

5.3. In addition to Cookies, we also use other similar technologies such as web beacons and pixel tags in the App. Web beacons are typically transparent images embedded in web pages or emails. With the help of pixel tags in emails, we can know whether emails have been opened. If you do not wish your activities to be tracked in this way, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time.

VI. How We Protect and Retain Your User Information

6.1. We attach great importance to your information security. We strive to take various reasonable physical, electronic, and managerial security measures to protect your user information. To prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage, or loss of user information. For example, we use encryption technology to enhance the security of user information; we use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on user information; we deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access user information; and we organize security and privacy protection training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting user information.

6.2. We will take reasonable and feasible measures to avoid collecting irrelevant user information. We will only retain your user information for the period necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this policy, unless permitted by law. After the above retention period for user information, we will delete or anonymize your personal information.

6.3. Please use complex passwords to help us ensure the security of your account. We will make every effort to ensure the security of any information you send to us. If our physical, technical, or managerial protective facilities are compromised, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering, or destruction of information, causing damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

6.4. In the unfortunate event of a user information security incident (leakage, loss, etc.), we will promptly inform you in accordance with legal requirements: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the measures we have taken or will take, suggestions for you to independently prevent and reduce risks, remedial measures for you, etc. We will promptly inform you of the relevant circumstances of the incident by email, letter, phone, push notification, etc. When it is difficult to inform each user information subject individually, we will adopt reasonable and effective methods to publish announcements. At the same time, we will also report the handling of user information security incidents to regulatory authorities as required.

6.5. In the event that our products and services cease operations, we will take reasonable measures to protect the security of your user information, including promptly stopping the continued collection of user information; notifications of cessation of operations will be sent to users individually or through announcements; and we will delete or anonymize the personal information we hold.

VII. Special Provisions for Minors' User Information

7.1. We mainly provide this website service and other related products to adults. However, we attach great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. If you are a minor, we require you to ask your parents or other guardians to carefully read all the contents of this policy and use our products or services and provide us with information only with the consent of your parents or other guardians.

7.2. Please be aware and understand that in the real-name authentication process, if we identify you as a child under 14 years old, we may refuse to provide you with authentication services.

7.3. Due to limitations of existing technology and business models, it is difficult for us to actively identify minors' personal information during account registration. If you are the guardian of a minor and you find that we have obtained personal information of the minor without your authorization, you can contact us through the contact methods disclosed in this policy. We will promptly investigate upon receiving the notification and delete or anonymize the relevant information if verified. If we proactively discover such situations during our review, we will also take the initiative to delete or anonymize the relevant personal information.

VIII. Account Cancellation
You can cancel your Intelligent Technician account through the following path: APP homepage -> Settings -> Account Security.
After cancellation, you will no longer be able to use that account to log in to the Intelligent Technician technical service platform. All your information and data on the Intelligent Technician technical service platform will be permanently deleted, including but not limited to your personal information, customer vehicle information, vehicle inspection records, etc. This operation is irreversible; once cancelled, your account and related information cannot be recovered.

IX. Updates to This Policy

9.1. We may revise this policy from time to time.
9.2. We will not limit your rights under this policy without your explicit consent.
9.3. For significant revisions, we will also provide more prominent notice (including, for some services, notifying you through website/App announcements or even providing pop-up prompts explaining the specific changes to this policy).
9.4. Significant changes referred to in this policy include but are not limited to:
(1) Significant changes in our service model. Such as changes in the purpose of processing user information, types of user information processed, ways of using user information, etc.;
(2) Significant changes in our control rights, organizational structure, etc. Such as changes in ownership due to business adjustments, bankruptcy, etc.;
(3) Changes in the main objects of user information sharing, transfer, or public disclosure;
(4) Significant changes in your rights to participate in user information processing and how to exercise them;
(5) Changes in our responsible department, contact information, and complaint channels for handling user information security;
(6) When the user information security impact assessment report indicates high risks.

X. How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this agreement, please contact us via email at derek.li@autox3.com.